何もないよりマシ | better than nothing, 2023. Mixed media. Art Spot Korin, Kyoto, Japan.
Photo credit: Masahiro Kawanaka @masa_kawanaka; Frankie Chow
Gallery 1 - Infinity series
Temple fortune slip おみくじ tied on nail at entrance to welcome good luck.
Infinity 1 & 2
Traditional Japanese textile crafts - wrapping and knot-tying.
Miscellaneous fabric scraps of same design reunited through knots.
Buddhist Infinity knot - life cycle, interconnectedness, and causality.
Impermanence of relationships and mental/social instability (knots connect but can be untied).
Fall apart and collapse, balance and unravel when provoked.
Infinity 3 & 4
Secondhand obi and kimono
Causality (cause and effect). Potential; violence.
Wearable textiles in relation to human body and physical and psychological danger.